Sports Guarantee Board before Italian Olympic Committee accepted the new appeal submitted by Mr. Fabio Pennisi on behalf of the former President of the Italian Bowls Federation Romolo Rizzoli against a 12-month ban decision.
The subject of the dispute to President Romolo Rizzoli (former member of the CONI Council, as well as President of the International Boccalism Confederation) was an alleged defamatory conduct against the current Federal President and the entire Bowls Federation.
For the second time in the same proceedings, the Guarantee Board annulled the decision of the Federal Court of Appeal of the FIB.
In fact, following the annulment of the first decision, the Federal Court of Appeal reduced the penalty to Rizzoli by only one month.
Following the new decision of the Guarantee Board, the ball – or rather the bowl! – passes again to the Federal Court of Appeal of the Italian Bowls Federation which will have to comply with the principles that will be indicated by the Guarantee Board with the decision grounds.